淺談各類型電子石英機芯(Types of Quartz Watch Movements)
# 1
淺談各類型電子石英機芯(Types of Quartz Watch Movements)

Cheapest movement to make.
Low parts count
Very accurate in relationship to cost.
Battery must be replaced when depleted (usually 2-3 years).
Movements are so low cost that repair is impractical.
Replacement is often the only repair and depends on whether the movement is still available.

Very accurate movement.
Low parts count makes movement rugged.
Use of rechargeable cell allows many extra watch features and extremely long time on a charge (up to 500 days).
Least owner involvement, just wear it in light and it recharges !
All rechargeable cells have a finite number of charge/discharge cycles and will eventually have to be replaced.
Use of this movement in single piece, closed back cases means that the watch has to be serviced by someone who has the equipment to open these cases.
Cells can be expensive ($39.00).

Very accurate high quality movement.
Latest models have elaborate power management which extends charge life up to 4 years.
A capacitor (which is what the Kinetic Power Unit essentially is) has a practically unlimited life compared to a button cell.
Must be worn frequently to keep the charge up.
Not suited to inactive persons.
Occasional reports of short power unit life.
Use of capacitor does not provide enough energy reserve to run many functions.
Power units may be expensive to replace ($40-$60).

Very accurate movement.
Use of rechargeable cell allows many extra watch features and extremely long time on a charge (up to 500 days).
All the features of a Seiko Kinetic with a much longer charge life due to use of a rechargeable cell.
All rechargeable cells have a finite number of charge/discharge cycles and will eventually have to be replaced.
Cells can be expensive ($39.00).
ALL Borrowed
精工 Spring Drive
有人說 Spring Drive 是 石英機芯,因為 時間是由 石英震動的頻率計算出。但 Spring Drive 的設計是基於機械機芯,Tri-synchro Regulator 就像 傳統擒蹤 運作。
於 1977年,一位工程師於日本的 SEIKO EPSON's Suwa plant 構想出 Spring Drive。
3項 新設計 促成了 Spring Drive

Tri-synchro regulator

Tri-synchro regulator (紅圈) 取代了 擒蹤 - 傳統手錶最脆弱的部份
Tri-synchro regulator 的 3個主要部份:
石英震盪器 - 產生 頻率
積體電路 - 憑 頻率計算 時間 及 控制 電流通過 電磁圈
Glide Wheel - 由 電磁圈 控制,它把 Tri-synchro regulator 及 傳統的傳動輪組 接上,並且每秒轉 8 圈。
全新的 發條 是由一種高彈性物料 (Spron 510) 所製成,它可產生更大的能量。結果是 發條可輸出 更多、更順 和 更持久 的能量 -- Spring Drive 最長可運行 72小時。
Spron 510 是 Seiko Instruments Inc. 的 註冊商標
石英震盪器 及 積體電路 需要的電源是由 電磁圈 產生。發條 釋出能量,透過 傳動輪組,再由 電磁圈 轉化成電能。
Magic Lever -- 自動上鍊

Magic Lever 系統可有效地把 擺陀的動能傳到 發條。此新設計提升了 30% 的上鍊效率。
用同一能量來源 - 配戴者之活動
用同一能量儲存方式 - 發條
用同一方式傳遞能量 - 傳動輪組
唯一分別是 "時間之源" 及 控制部份 - Tri-synchro regulator
此新概念帶給我們高度準確的時間顯示 --- ±1秒 / 日
Grand Seiko: -3 +5 sec / day
C.O.S.C.: -4 +6 sec / day
石英:±1 sec / day
C.O.S.C. 石英:±0.07 sec
原子鐘:0.000000001 sec / day
因此,不少人都認為 Spring Drive 是 石英錶。

Cheapest movement to make.
Low parts count
Very accurate in relationship to cost.
Battery must be replaced when depleted (usually 2-3 years).
Movements are so low cost that repair is impractical.
Replacement is often the only repair and depends on whether the movement is still available.

Very accurate movement.
Low parts count makes movement rugged.
Use of rechargeable cell allows many extra watch features and extremely long time on a charge (up to 500 days).
Least owner involvement, just wear it in light and it recharges !
All rechargeable cells have a finite number of charge/discharge cycles and will eventually have to be replaced.
Use of this movement in single piece, closed back cases means that the watch has to be serviced by someone who has the equipment to open these cases.
Cells can be expensive ($39.00).

Very accurate high quality movement.
Latest models have elaborate power management which extends charge life up to 4 years.
A capacitor (which is what the Kinetic Power Unit essentially is) has a practically unlimited life compared to a button cell.
Must be worn frequently to keep the charge up.
Not suited to inactive persons.
Occasional reports of short power unit life.
Use of capacitor does not provide enough energy reserve to run many functions.
Power units may be expensive to replace ($40-$60).

Very accurate movement.
Use of rechargeable cell allows many extra watch features and extremely long time on a charge (up to 500 days).
All the features of a Seiko Kinetic with a much longer charge life due to use of a rechargeable cell.
All rechargeable cells have a finite number of charge/discharge cycles and will eventually have to be replaced.
Cells can be expensive ($39.00).
ALL Borrowed
精工 Spring Drive
有人說 Spring Drive 是 石英機芯,因為 時間是由 石英震動的頻率計算出。但 Spring Drive 的設計是基於機械機芯,Tri-synchro Regulator 就像 傳統擒蹤 運作。
於 1977年,一位工程師於日本的 SEIKO EPSON's Suwa plant 構想出 Spring Drive。
3項 新設計 促成了 Spring Drive
Tri-synchro regulator
Magic Lever

Tri-synchro regulator

Tri-synchro regulator (紅圈) 取代了 擒蹤 - 傳統手錶最脆弱的部份
Tri-synchro regulator 的 3個主要部份:
石英震盪器 - 產生 頻率
積體電路 - 憑 頻率計算 時間 及 控制 電流通過 電磁圈
Glide Wheel - 由 電磁圈 控制,它把 Tri-synchro regulator 及 傳統的傳動輪組 接上,並且每秒轉 8 圈。
全新的 發條 是由一種高彈性物料 (Spron 510) 所製成,它可產生更大的能量。結果是 發條可輸出 更多、更順 和 更持久 的能量 -- Spring Drive 最長可運行 72小時。
Spron 510 是 Seiko Instruments Inc. 的 註冊商標
石英震盪器 及 積體電路 需要的電源是由 電磁圈 產生。發條 釋出能量,透過 傳動輪組,再由 電磁圈 轉化成電能。
Magic Lever -- 自動上鍊

Magic Lever 系統可有效地把 擺陀的動能傳到 發條。此新設計提升了 30% 的上鍊效率。
用同一能量來源 - 配戴者之活動
用同一能量儲存方式 - 發條
用同一方式傳遞能量 - 傳動輪組
唯一分別是 "時間之源" 及 控制部份 - Tri-synchro regulator
此新概念帶給我們高度準確的時間顯示 --- ±1秒 / 日
Grand Seiko: -3 +5 sec / day
C.O.S.C.: -4 +6 sec / day
石英:±1 sec / day
C.O.S.C. 石英:±0.07 sec
原子鐘:0.000000001 sec / day
因此,不少人都認為 Spring Drive 是 石英錶。